When you have joined a table, you can look at the published convention cards of both partnerships, and if you are a player you can publish your own convention card for the game. Do this in the My CC tab found in the Information pane.
To view published convention cards: Use the N-S and E-W tabs to see the North-South and East-West published convention cards (if they are published for the current game). To view the full card, click the View Full Card button on the toolbar.
To publish your own partnership convention card: Click the CC tab and show the My Cards sub-tab to see your saved convention cards. Highlight the card you want to publish, and click the Publish button on the toolbar. (Available only for players seated at a table.)
To modify a saved convention card before publishing: Highlight a convention card in the My Cards sub-tab and click the Open button on the toolbar. Here you can edit the convention card and save it before publishing.