You can block certain incoming messages not of interest to you by setting up message filters. Your filter settings can be turned on or off, so you only have to set them up once, then you can use them when your circumstances make filtering feasible.
To select your filters: Click
the Filter button in the Chat/Messages toolbar to display
the Message Filter dialog where you can specify your filters:
To add filters, type words or phrases to be filtered (can include member IDs to block messages from particular members), then click the Add button. You will not receive any messages that contain these words or phrases. The words or phrases are saved across OKbridge sessions.
To remove a word or phrase from the filter, hightlight it then click the Remove button.
To Filter System Messages, select its check box.
To Filter Join/Leave Messages, select its check box.
To turn filtering on or off:
Filtering On — Select the Make Filter Active checkbox.
Filtering Off — No checkmark in the Make Filter Active checkbox. Click it to remove the checkmark if its already selected.
To save the filters: Click the OK button. This also closes the dialog.
To exit and Not save: Click the Cancel button to exit without saving.