Text commands

Perform actions by typing commands in the message field of Chat-Messages. Commands always begin with a slash '/' and are not case-sensitive. Using only the keyboard to enter these commands can sometimes be faster than using the mouse to navigate the program to perform the task.



/claim x

Lets you claim x number of additional tricks if you are the declarer.

/disconnect joeblow

Disconnects joeblow from your table.

/down x

Claims x tricks below the level of the contract you are in.

/east joeblow

Puts joeblow in the East seat, or sit East yourself if no name given.

/find joeblow

Finds joeblow and tells you where he is.

/join joeblow

Takes you to the table joeblow is serving.

/lho hi there

Sends "hi there" as a private message to your left-hand opponent.

/lockout joeblow

Disconnects joeblow from your table and prevents him or her from re-joining.

/lsay need a fourth here

Sends "need a fourth here" as a message to the people in the Lobby.


Returns you to the Lobby.

/make x

Claims x level of the contract you are in. For example, if you are in 4S, you can type /make 4 to claim 10 tricks.

/north joeblow

Assigns joeblow to the North seat, or seats yourself if no name given.

/obs joeblow

Removes someone from their seat, or makes you an observer if no name given.

/opp hi there

Sends the private message "hi there" to your opponents.

/partner joeblow

At the tourney table, this command allows you to request a partnership with joeblow, or displays your current partnership if you only type /partner.


Exits the program.


Reviews the record of play of the last board.

/rho hi there

Sends "hi there" as a private message to your right hand opponent.


Skips the current hand.

/south joeblow

Assigns a player to the South seat, or places you in South if no player specified.


Causes you to enter spectator mode. You can type /spec again to be removed from spectator mode.

/stats joeblow

Displays information about a player (or yourself if no player mentioned)


Undoes the bid or play of your right-hand opponent.

/west joeblow

Assigns joeblow to the West seat, or places you in West if no player specified.


Provides a listing of everyone at your table.