The Friendliness Rating is a measure of how other OKbridge players view your overall politeness and courtesy. It is determined based on peer voting across the club, where any player may cast a vote on the friendliness of any other player. Individual votes can be Positive, Neutral, or Negative.
The scale for the Friendliness Rating is: Neutral
All members start with a neutral Friendliness Rating (no icon) and can
earn a gold friendliness icon as they accumulate positive votes from
other members, with
being the highest Friendliness Rating. Negative
votes offset positive votes and members may change their individual
vote, so a member's Friendliness Rating may be bumped down at any
To cast a vote on another member's friendliness, go to the Relationship or Full View section of that member's user profile in OKplus. (see image below) You can only cast one vote for each member, but you can change your vote at any time.
To access a member's user profile in OKplus, click directly on their name or look up the member's name in the Stats sub-tab under the Players tab.